Thursday, February 12, 2009

Win a "Mommy & Me" Apron Set!

Did you know that February is "Bake for Family Fun" month?!
To help celebrate, we're giving away a "Mommy & Me" apron set!!!!

There are 2 ways to enter:
1.Leave a comment! Tell us your fav family baking moments, memories, tips, recipes, which BiRDY you love the most, etc....
2. E-mail with the subject header "I want to win"!

The grand prize???!!!... A matching pair of BiRDY frocks for you and your little helper! Yep, "Mommy & Me" BiRDY aprons in any style you'd like!

Contest ends Saturday, Feb. 28 so don't wait!
Start shopping for yours now!


  1. Hi Jamie Ann! What a great contest! You know I love your aprons and I'll be posting on my blot today about the one we emailed about! Hmmm, now let me see, my 14 yr old daughter shows absolutely no interest in the domestic arts, though she does know how to microwave her own food. It's the men in my house who love to cook! My 11 year old son recently made chicken pot pie soup for our dinner with very little supervision! He cut all the veggies himself, sauted the onions and he even crushed mixed peppers with his very own morter & pestel he recently bought at World Market! The soup was delicious and it's just too funny to watch him work so hard to crush that pepper until it's just perfect. He works on it while watching cartoons and puts it in a container he labeled "speciale pepper" (his spelling!) and every night he sprinkles a bit of it on his dinner. Gotta love it!

    Thanks for a fun giveaway! I'll email you with the blog link!

  2. Hi Jamie Ann,,, I was having a look at my friend Diannes blog and saw her post for you. I had to have a look. YOur work is adorable. I wish you all of the success!
    When I was a kid my mom always baked these halloween sugar cookies and made them look like pumpkins. I always remember those and what fun we had. I make them now for my Grandkids :) Thanks for the memories. LOL
    Happy Creating,,, Gail
    PS: I love Posh BiRDY collection!

  3. Your aprons are just to die for! I am so glad to see a resurgence in their popularity! Great blog.

  4. Hi Jaime,
    I'm Nancy, like Dianne I am also a member of Make Mine Pink. Your designs are outstanding! I love your color combinations and style. Posh would have to be my fav. Cooking memory, well I have 4 children and one day they decided they wanted to make a polish noodle called Kluski. Their aunt made them one day for the children. So I got all the ingredients for them. I had to step out for a bit. When I returned, I no longer had a raspberry and teal kitchen, it was flour white. Their was only one solution to clean up this mess, the vacuum cleaner. So I gathered the children, the 3 vacuums we had and told them to suck it up before their father got home. The Kluski's did turn out good though.

  5. These comments are AWESOME! It's going to be hard to choose a winner! Keep 'em coming =)

  6. Love the concept! You have got some nice styles and your fabric choices are terrific. I am also a member of Make Mine Pink and found you via Diane's blog. I would have to choose the Marilyn, my grandaughters love sparkles!
    My favorite cooking memories are the ones spent with my four grandchildren every year making Christmas cookies. And my 'sparkly' grandaughters cover the sugar cookies with as many decorations you could possibly fit onto one cookie--these are worthy of sun glasses!
    Good luck in your new business-come visit us over at Make Mine Pink!
    Patricia Rose-A Potpourri of Fabric, Fragrance and Findings

  7. Hi Jamie Ann,
    What beautiful aprons. When my friend, Dianne, posted about your toile aprons on her blog, I just couldn't wait to get over her and see. Toile is my most favorite fabric! They are beautiful!


  8. Hi Jamie Anne, Love your aprons! I just heard about you from Dianne. I didn't know Feb. was Bake for Family Fun month! This month, for my bday, two of my kids got busy in the kitchen to make me Cappuccino cupcakes with coffee cream and fudge sauce. They were excellent! The recipe is on my blog. Have a great day!

  9. Your aprons are so pretty! Favorite baking baking with the family all gathered around.

  10. Your aprons are ADORABLE! I would love to win!!! I am a mess in the kitchen so I may have to throw this on after I make the mess so everyone thinks I am a cook and a fashionista!!! Too cute!


BiRDY 101

@ BiRDY we realize that....


If you've ever shopped for aprons, you're familiar with that pesky "one size fits most" tag. @ BiRDY we say "no, no, no it doesn't"! I've spent countless hours & yards of fabric developing designs that not only fit, but flatter every modern home maven! So, even if you're a bit more pear than par, pint-sized, or downright curve-a-licious, there is a BiRDY for you!

Jerky, chauvinistic boss? House full of chaos & piles of laundry? Whether you're overworked, underpaid, or just plain blah, slip on a BiRDY and you're guaranteed to find yourself feeling instantly fabulous...even if that moment is fleeting! @ BiRDY we feel very strongly that every modern home maven needs a little happy luxe in their everyday!

@ BiRDY we just want to remind you that nothing feels more wonderful than knowing you've brightened someone else's day! So, when you buy yourself that Flirty BiRDY frock, just order 2 & share BiRDY with all the fabulous modern home mavens in your life!

Modern Home Maven?

Our designs are updated for the modern home maven to be practical, chic, tailored, flattering, and so much more! Whether you're fluffing a nest for one, two, or ten...
Whether you wear BiRDY to garden, tidy up, craft, teach, bake, sip martinis, paint, or just feel fabulous...YOU are the Modern Home Maven!

Once upon a time....

My grandmother (Moma Jo) claims it all began when she shared the creation story with me as a tiny tot. She says it's like the concept of creation just seemed to fascinate me. When other kids had imaginary friends, I had imaginary businesses! Early ventures (circa early 80's) included sewing tiny doll pillows on my Holly Hobbie sewing machine, crafting potpourri from clover blossoms & mom's White Shoulders perfume, puff painted Christmas sweatshirst (actually sold some of those), and of course a greeting card company! Nearly 3 decades later, my tiny dreams have begun to come true. I have REAL, fully licensed business with REAL customers from all over the country & Canada!

The name "BiRDY" originated as a play off an old, chauvinistic slang term for women & my desire to spin that into something positive & even empowering. It began with just 3 simple styles offered on my home site ( for the holiday 2008 season. Thanks to a great response & many special requests, I realized the need for not only an updated apron, but an updated concept as well. I've spent countless hours & yards of fabric creating original designs (I make my own patterns) inspired by fashion, not by aprons! I want for every gal to feel fabulous, which is why I offer the varying sizes & things like the "fit & flatter" design.

Bachelorettes, working moms, divas, single moms, social butterflies, WAHMS, fabulous gals of all shapes & sizes...
hang up your aprons & BUY BUY BiRDY!

Jamie Ann =)